(US)Blue Note BST 84300 / リリース年:1969/Stereo USオリジナル
シュリンク美品。このくらいのコンディションは大変レア。ブルー・ミッチェルの13thアルバム。ジャズファンク名曲「Digging in the Dirt」、「Monkin' Around」他収録のジャズ・ロック好盤。超音波洗浄機でクリーニング済(Cleaned by ultrasonic cleaning machine)
Condition(カバー) : M-
Conditon(盤) : M-
A1. Collision In Black 3:02
A2. Deeper In Black
Composed By – P. Grayson
A3. Jo Ju Ja 3:20
A4. Blue On Black 2:55
A5. Swahilli Suite 2:58
A6. Monkin' Around 3:38
B1. Keep Your Nose Clean 3:25
B2. I Ain't Jivin' 2:45
B3. Digging In The Dirt 3:30
B4. Who Dun It 2:56
B5. Kick It 2:28
B6. Keep Your Soul 2:48
Blue Mitchell (b)
Ernest Watts (fl)
Jim Horn (fl)
Anthony Ortego (ts: A1, A6, B5, B6)
Monk Higgins (ts: A1, A6, B5, B6)
Dick Hyde (tb)
Jack Remond (tb)
Al Vescovo (g)
Monk Higgins (p, org)
Dee Ervin (org)
Miles Grayson (p, per)
Bob West (b)
John Cyr (per)
Paul Humphrey (ds)
Monk Higgins (arr)
Blue Mitchell Collision In Black (w/shrink wrap)